Sunday, May 15, 2011

Deployment Day #130

 SO we have been busy!! Above are Elisa's new shoes and below are Ella's new shoes, made by me!!

 I made these for a friend, my last "testers" then I hope to start selling in a month or so depending on feedback

 The girls' new playground as a xmas/bday/easter/everything for the year present from my mom LOL

I don't have much to say except that I miss you and it just gets harder every day with out you. :(

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Deployment Day #118

I made this!

its a pair of women's shoes that I made for my friend

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Deployment Day #91

Elisa's tooth is almost fully grown in and Ella is talking more and more like a miniature adult! We put a package together for you and its going in the mail today <3

I am making testers for the shoes I hope to sell :)

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Deployment Day #78

Busy Busy! I missed you, hearing you, seeing you. I am happy I got to talk to you today. I really do miss you. I think having the girls snuggle with me in bed makes it less empty without you. Ella is so independent now, I got a little sad thinking about what you are missing in our day to day, she is going to be a whole nother person when you return. Elisa says Mama now!! It is so cute and she is attempting to crawl, she almost has it down. She plays peekaboo and I tried to get it on video but then she gets distracted by the camera. I'll try again tomorrow. I have fabric cut for 6 more outfits for the girls. I hope to start sewing them up like a mad women tomorrow. Especially since my mom bought me a walking foot for the machine I can sew knits now!! woot!! I want to try and convert the girls' wardrobe to 100% mama made :)
I made this! I didn't hem the bottom yet

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Deployment Day #72

The get together on Saturday was ok for me but Ella had a blast, its always awkward figuring out how to nurse Elisa discreetly in front of people you have never met before. Ella had so much fun playing with the kids though. I feel so bad we are cooped up in the house most of the time. Its getting really hot outside too! Still no refund, the IRS release an official statement today that those who filed married/joint with repayment of the first time homebuyer credit should receive their refunds by April 5th. So we shall see. I got a package from your grandma!! I let Ella open two presents today and the card. The rest is in hiding with her other b-day presents. I am debating whether I will let her open them on her bday or at her party. Still not sure.

Isn't this incredibly cute!!!

The Back